Weird Lore BS #7: The Mud-Thing

mud thing spider-man

“Oh god” – Henry, every few seconds this episode.

A Sandman and a Hydro-Man walk into a bar, and what follows is the deepest of shames from the void itself. We’ve got Travis Rave, a cavalcade of King Kong references, the worst Broadway musical of all time and the most confusing sentence in history.

This edition of Weird Lore Bullshit Corner covers The Amazing Spider-Man #217-218, as well as a look back at the origin of Flint Marko/William Baker/Sandman.

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This podcast episode covers The Amazing Spider-Man #217-218 (1981), which were written by Denny O’Neil and had art by John Romita Jr and Jim Mooney.

hydro-man sandman teamup

After his first appearance a few issues back, Hydro-Man returns, after rain fell into a nearby water tank.

hydro-man spider-man

Meanwhile, Sandman is moaning to Sadie about his recent ass-kickings (prior to his eventual turn to heroism), when Morrie turns up at the dive bar…

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He’s not too happy about seeing his lady with another guy…

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They end up getting in a fight over her…

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And that’s when they both realise that they’re coincidentally two super-powered Spider-Man villains.

sandman hydroman fight

They reconcile for a brief period, in which they start looting random good to impress ol’ Sadie. Weirdly, she’s into it.

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And invites them back to her apartment for a… three way? I mean, what else is going to happen here?

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They end up fighting again, so Spider-Man crashes in to intervene.

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That’s when he gets in this one-liner on Hydro-Man. An incredible one, I might add.

spider-man hydro-man

They eventually team up to take down the costumed hero, at which point he uses the strategy of kicking large wooden crates at their heads.

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The battle eventually finds its way to the docks, where they both lunge at him, leaving him to jump out the way and let them crash into each other.

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Leading to a collision and a crash into the stormy seas.

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This issue ends on a cliffhanger as the newly-cristened Mud-Thing lumbers out of the water amidst the storm… and Spider-Man has no clue how to deal with it.

sandman hydro-man mud-thing

That brings us to issue 218

the mud-thing spider-man

Spidey, ever the go-getter, tries to nab a few pics to make some dough out of this sci-fi debacle.

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When he tries to attack it, he quickly realises that he doesn’t have a chance.

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He later tries to sell the photos to the Daily Bugle, but Jonah isn’t having any of it – especially given how unclear these stormy silhouettes are.

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The Mud-Thing heads for Sadie and Spidey intervenes – only to find that it’s not actually threatening her.

the mud-thing spider-man

In one of the oddest parts of the comic, Matt Murdock (Daredevil) makes an appearance as the legal representative for… Mud-Thing. He argues they constitute a new individual and should be placed under the care of Sadie. It flies, somehow.

matt murdock mud-thing

Sadie meats Travis Rave, a sleazy manager type who brings her into the world of show biz – with the Mud-Thing in tow.

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Merely a week later and Sadie is on Broadway.

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That’s when the unbelievably Mud-Thing is revealed to the world, with a little cape to go with it. This is where the King Kong vibes start coming in strong.

the mud-thing

Unfortunately, Sadie plants a kiss on Travis Rave – close enough for The Mud-Thing to see, with the rage of two jilted lovers turning its eyes red and starting a rampage.

the mud-thing

It breaks out and takes Sadie (eat your heart out, Kong). It begins to climb a skyscraper but it doesn’t take too long before it’s brought down – and not even by Spider-Man.

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Helicopters release gas, which dries him out and leaves him to crumble.

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Spider-Man is there to save Sadie (according to Henry, he should’ve left her to save herself) and stop some falling debris from hurting any other bystanders.

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Then the NYPD just sweep him up to dumb him elsewhere. Later, the two dudes will go their own separate ways and never speak of this incident ever again.

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Dump ‘im in the trash, boys!

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Spider-Man points out the obvious. And while it might seem like a tactless thing to say after the apparent death of two men, it’s Travis Rave who crosses the line the furthest – talking movie deals before the sand has dried.

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Thanks, Spidey.

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That’s all for this week, folks. If you missed last week’s episode – be sure to check it out here.

Published by Jack G

29. Fully committed to Sparkle Motion.

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