The Green Goblin’s Comic Origins

In our most recent episode of the podcast we discussed the Green Goblins first appearance in Spider-Man: The Animated Series (which you can find here). But what about his first appearance in the original ’60s Stan Lee comics?

Well, it’s a little stranger than you may expect, starting off with a flying broomstick and an encounter with The Hulk in the Californian Desert. No Joke.

The Green Goblin first appears in The Amazing Spider-Man #12 in 1964, an issue written by Stan Lee and with art by Steve Ditko.

green goblin first appearance

green goblin creates broomstick

When the Green Goblin first appears, he uses a broomstick rather than a glider. It’s basically the glider without the wings, and looks a hell of a lot simpler (though maybe more relevant to the costume?)

green goblin enforcers teamup

First call of business: team-up with The Enforcers to take down the wall-crawler.

BJ Cosmos producer

Here’s when we bring in B.J. Cosmos, film producer extraordinaire and severely underrated Stan Lee era goofball.

green goblin movie plan

The Green Goblin arrives and gives him an offer he can’t refuse (but really should, because it’s insane).

60s comic panel stan lee

Side note: this may be the most 60s comic book panel ever.

green goblin flying broomstick

Spidey meets with the Goblin, goes in guns blazing and comes out of it with a movie deal. One of the only times his fist-first approach has worked out… at least for a little while.

green goblin first meeting
bj cosmos spider-man
spider-man movie deal
spider-man enforcers movie

Heading down to the New Mexico desert shoot, they start production. Money is a serious motivator for Spider-Man, and one of the things that I wish was in more of the MCU outings. He needs money so bad he’s happy to mess around with this kind of nonsense, suppressing the idea that these might be the actual Enforcers rather than perfectly accurate actors.

green goblin enforcers fight

Things come to blows pretty fast, and Spidey eventually figures out he’s been an A-Class chump – right in time for the Green Goblin to throw bombs his way – but not pumpkin bombs (yet).

green goblin fight
spider-man meets hulk

Once the fight makes into this desert cave, they stumble upon – of all people – the Incredible Hulk. He’s not happy to be intruded upon, and he and Spider-Man end up being fairly evenly matched – with S-Man’s lightning reflexes and Hulk’s hard head.

spider-man meets hulk
spider-man fights the hulk
spider-man battles hulk

After this, Goblin flees and Spidey hides from the Hulk until the coast is clear, leaving the Enforcers for a military helicopter to find.

bj cosmos hulk

Once the fight goes to shambles, BJ Cosmos is over Spider-Man and all about writing up a contract for the Hulk. This dude is begging to get fired.

spider-man money
green goblin glider

Ol’ Gobby turns up again in The Amazing Spider-Man #17, the same year – where he upgrades his broomstick for the much more useful (and cool-looking) goblin glider. And he’s got a few more gimmicks up his sleeve.

green goblin frog weapon

One of these gimmicks is an “electronically-charged toy frog”. On top of that, there’s the smokey ghost grenade, ‘Goblin Sparks’ finger lasers, and of course the iconic pumpkin bombs.

green goblin spark fingers
green goblin devices
green goblin ghost bomb
green goblin crime gangs

After his scrap with the Human Torch, Goblin turns up again to try and rule the gangs of New York in The Amazing Spider-Man #23, where he forms a short-lived partnership with the Crime Master.

norman osborn introduced

It’s later, after Peter goes to college and meets Harry Osborn, that we are introduced to Norman – who up until this point has been an unnamed background character in JJ’s country club.

green goblin mystery

For a number of issues, the mystery over who was behind the mask was teased and pondered over. A lot of fans thought it was JJ, Foswell, or even Mysterio.

spider-man unmasked green goblin

Then comes the monumental issue where Norman is revealed as the Green Goblin – right after he discovers Peter is Spider-Man – in The Amazing Spider-Man #39 (1966).

green goblin spies on peter
green goblin spies
green goblin spying

An interesting note about this that I always forget is that Norman doesn’t actually know who Peter is when he first discovers SM’s identity.

green goblin confronts peter

He approaches Peter in Queens, making his worst nightmares come true in the most insane way. Still kind of a huge deal that this went down, 39 issues in.

green goblin attacks peter
peter vs green goblin
green goblin kidnaps peter
green goblin unmasks

He unmasks mid-monologue to Peter. I wonder if this was a good surprise to fans at the time, considering we hadn’t got a whole lot of Norman at this point.

green goblin is defeated

Things turn around into Peter’s favour for once in this landmark issue #40, with the iconic John Romita cover.

norman vs peter

Peter tricks Norman into monologuing even more, falling prey to the ol’ Bond villain routine.

norman osborn harry

I love how Norman’s retelling of how he balanced being a good father with work is juxtaposed with his clear neglect of Harry here.

norman osborn experiment

Side note: this accident was later revealed to have been caused by Harry tampering with Norman’s chemicals.

creation of the green goblin
norman in hospital

Norman undergoes a similar brain damage to Doc Ock, one which he thinks has given him focus and brilliance, but is instead just insanity and brilliance.

norman osborn favourite colour

Best factoid about GG: he chose green because it was his favourite colour.

green goblin is injured

Peter breaks free and suits up, and the ensuing fight sends GG flying into an electro-chemical charge from the fire started.

green goblin amnesia

Then he gets the ol’ amnesia from the head injury, and the lack of a spider-sense going off convinces Peter he’s really gone straight.

spider-man hides norman's alter ego

So he disposes of the costume, allowing Norman to return to his regular life – unknowingly setting up his arch-rival to ruin his life when his memories return in a future story.

norman osborn with amnesia

That’s all for this week folks! If you came here first, make sure to check out our podcast episode about Green Goblin’s first appearance in the 90s animated series.

Published by Jack G

29. Fully committed to Sparkle Motion.

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