Weird Lore BS #11: The HOBGOBLIN

Welcome to another addition of Weird Lore Bullshit Corner, in which we ask the question: Who is the Hobgoblin? And yes, we know you can just google that answer, but the mystery isn’t about the resolution, it’s about the mind-breaking confusion we suffer along the way…

Who the F*** Is The Hobgoblin?

This episode has everything: red herrings, toupée shenanigans, groin pulls, group blackmail, robots, evil twins, clones, demons and cyborgs! Also, there’s a medieval-looking dude who rides a stolen goblin glider who may or may not be the real deal or a brainwashed sap during any one comic panel. Tune in to descend into madness with two jerks locked in a basement somewhere.

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If you want to see how the unmasking played out in the 1994 animated series, check out our episode on that (quite different) reveal here. Otherwise, click through to get the lowdown on Hobgoblin’s secret identity and the comic context below:

The Hobgoblin Comic Origins post

Be sure to check out our Patreon, where you can find a part two to this episode in which we talk about the behind-the-scenes nonsense that made it go down like this. And if you want to see more Weird Lore episodes – then click here.

Published by Jack G

29. Fully committed to Sparkle Motion.

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