THE HOBGOBLIN’s Comic Origins

The mystery over Hobgoblin’s secret identity is a wild ride…

Season 3 Review

We review the third season and discuss who is the most daddest of dads!

S3E14 – Guess Who’s Goblin To Dinner | Turning Point

The season finale reveals more identities and sees a tragic turn of events for Peter and MJ…

S3E13 – Hot Sweaty Goblin-on-Goblin Action / Goblin War!

Norman Osborn is getting the goblin sweats and the Hobgoblin’s identity is revealed!

The Vulture’s Comic Origins

In our latest episode of the podcast, we spoke about The Vulture in Spider-Man: The Animated Series, as well as discussing the comic book counterpart. Below is a rundown of the highlights of The Vulture’s criminal career… Adrian Toomes aka The Vulture first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #2 in 1963, an issue written byContinue reading “The Vulture’s Comic Origins”