S4E4 – Somehow, Kraven Returned

Kraven has returned! But who is the creature stalking the zoos of NY?

The Vulture’s Comic Origins

In our latest episode of the podcast, we spoke about The Vulture in Spider-Man: The Animated Series, as well as discussing the comic book counterpart. Below is a rundown of the highlights of The Vulture’s criminal career… Adrian Toomes aka The Vulture first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #2 in 1963, an issue written byContinue reading “The Vulture’s Comic Origins”


This week we’re discussing the potential Sinister Six movie and how it could play out in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Both Jack and Henry have their own ideas for what a Sinister Six movie and which villains should turn up – but only one of them made notes, and by notes, we meant notes. So whatContinue reading “We Pitch A SINISTER SIX Movie”