S4E1 – If The Diaper Doesn’t Fit, You Must Acquit | Guilty

Season 4 kicks off with a sleuthin’ JJ and Robbie Robertson heading to jail

S2E12 – Ravages of Time|Once Upon A Time Poncho

We discuss the episode ‘Ravages of Time’ from Spider-Man: The Animated Series and the comic origins of Silvermane

S2E6 – Magic Mike Morbius

This podcast episode we’re talking about the Morbius movie trailer, his origin comics, and his appearance in Spider-Man: The Animated Series!

S2E5 – Swole Mutant Bathhouse | Mutants’ Revenge

This week we’re covering season 2, episode 5 of Spider-Man: The Animated Series -‘Mutant’s Revenge’. We’ve got a crazy episode for you guys this week, with the X-Men crossover two-parter coming to a close with plenty of buddy cop shenanigans, trash fights, awful puns, henchman juggling and more hallways than a Netflix Marvel series. JackContinue reading “S2E5 – Swole Mutant Bathhouse | Mutants’ Revenge”

S2E1 – The Insidious Six | N’SIDIOUS

We’re back for Season Two! This week we’re covering S2E1 of Spider-Man: The Animated Series – ‘The Insidious Six’. We’re back for the second season and jumping right into the Sinister – I mean INSIDIOUS Six. The Neogenic plot gun is looming overhead, but first the webhead’s greatest villains (and Shocker) have banded together toContinue reading “S2E1 – The Insidious Six | N’SIDIOUS”

Weird Lore Flashback #5: The Gibbon

We’re re-releasing some of our old Weird Lore BS Corner segments from our early episodes, before we start recording them as separate minisodes. This episode originally appeared as part of Episode 5: Everybody Loves Mysterio. This week we’re looking at Martin Blank aka The Gibbon. One of Spidey’s most ridiculous foes also gets a two-issueContinue reading “Weird Lore Flashback #5: The Gibbon”